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Major report on employee engagement cites an Employee Feedback success story

May 3, 2010

In a recently published major review of best practice in how to create an engaged workforce, Incomes Data Services includes a lengthy (six page) description of a success story in which Employee Feedback has played a substantial part. You can read all about it in the full report.

The case study describes how Northumbrian Water devised and implemented a five year plan to raise engagement levels throughout its 3000 strong workforce. Regular surveys have provided detailed feedback on progress across the business, highlighting where things were going well and where remedial action was called for.

A vital contributor has been the active support and commitment of the Senior Management Team who dedicated themselves from the outset to achieving very specific goals in the form of scores in an Employee Satisfaction and Engagement Index. With the support of both the Chief Executive, HR Director and the full team of Executive Directors, all employee take part, not only in the annual engagement survey, but in the follow-up workshops which follow it. These workshops are designed to produce concrete action plans for increasing engagement in every part of the business which are then implemented during the course of the year.

The results have been truly remarkable. Response levels have risen every year and on every key measure there has been great progress.

I'll say more in future blogs about the achievements of NWL and its management team, but for now read the report and the case itself - one of only five presented. It presents yet another example of how Employee Feedback is at the forefront of making employee engagement happen.

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