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14 questions to measure hybrid working management skills in your organisation

July 10, 2024

The success of hybrid working heavily depends on effective management.

Managers play a crucial role in coordinating activities and ensuring flexibility to meet the individual needs of employees while aligning these with team and organizational goals.

But do managers have the skills required to be effective?

In their report on the impact of a pilot programme for supporting hybrid managers the CMI and Timewise list ten skills helpful for navigating the challenges of managing in a hybrid environment.

We have created 14 questions for you to include in your next employee survey to assess how you managers match up.


1. My manager regularly seeks feedback about working arrangements and personal needs

2. My manager is empathetic when responding to team members' concerns


3. My manager is open about the reasons behind hybrid working decisions


4. My manager models good behaviours for effective hybrid working

5. My manager demonstrates awareness of how his / her preferences around hybrid impact the team


6. My manager can provide positive feedback and recognition in remote work settings

7. My manager can demonstrate empathy in a remote work setting


8. My manager ensures content from meetings is shared

Being Inclusive and Fair

9. My manager distributes tasks among team members impartially

Building Connection and Cohesion

10. My manager effectively fosters a sense of cohesion in a hybrid environment


11. My manager proactively sets expectations for virtual meetings

12. My manager will intervene if meetings veer off course

Mixing Synchronous and Asynchronous Channels

13. My manager uses a suitable mix of approaches to communicating


14. My manager involves the team in decisions about hybrid working arrangements

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