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Privacy notice for website visitors

What data do we collect?

We collect your contact details when you submit a form on our website.

We use third party tracking services that employ cookies to collect aggregated and anonymous data about visitors to our website. The data include usage details and user statistics.

How do we use your data?

We use your contact details to contact you about our services and share insights.

When you submit a form to request to speak to our team you can choose whether or not you would like to subscribe to our newsletters.

You can contact to unsubscribe from our emails.

Where do we store you data?

Your data is stored securely within the UK.

Accessing your data

If you would like a copy of your personal data that we hold or would like to amend it, please contact

Privacy notice for survey participants

What data do we collect?

Your organisation will have shared your email address with us so we can invite you to take part in a survey. They may have shared other details such as your employee identifier, where you work, your role, your line manager and your length of service.

When you complete the survey you may be asked about other characteristics such as your ethnic origin, age, disability.

The survey will ask you to share your views on different aspects of your organisation using tick boxes and free-text comments.

How do we use your data?

We only use your data for the survey we have been contracted to run by your organisation. Your data enables us to combine your survey responses with responses from others in the same groups as you. Only aggregated responses are reported to your organisation.

We will ensure that it is not possible for your survey responses to be attributed to you by your organisation from your personal data.

Free-text comments from the survey are reported as written. So you may wish to avoid making a comment that would be easily attributed to you.

Keeping your data secure

We take care to ensure that your data are secure. We employ generally accepted standards to protect your personal data when it is stored and during transmission.

We only keep your data for as long as we need it to carry out the survey. When the survey ends we delete your email address and other data that identifies you personally.

With your organisation's permission, we may keep an encrypted copy of your employee identifier. The link to your personal data can only be restored if your organisation contracts us to run another survey and re-shares your employee identifier.

Accessing your data

You can request a copy of your data by contacting using the email below.

Contacting us

If you have any questions or concerns about how we are using your data, please contact us at

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Employee Feedback uses cookies to understand how visitors interact with our website and to help with our marketing efforts.  You can choose which type of cookies are used. View our Privacy Policy for more information.