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Promoting Workplace Happiness: Shared Responsibility and Key Strategies for HR and Employees

October 6, 2023
Well-being in the Workplace

Happiness is really important to us at Employee Feedback, we know we are happy to have roles we love and recognise from our own selves and the vast amount of data we have produced over the years that this is a critical factor in retention, engagement productivity and creating a positive work culture.

This article shines a spotlight on this often over looked indicator and gives helpful insight into supporting a happy workforce.

Matthew Phelan, co-founder of The Happiness Index, explains that happiness at work isn't about constant joy, but understanding what motivates employees and creating a culture where they can thrive.

Key drivers of happiness include safety, freedom, acknowledgment, and positive relationships.

Advice from other experts contributing to the article includes

  1. creating an inclusive workplace
  2. appreciating the role of work in our lives
  3. acknowledging that happiness isn't a stand-alone emotion
  4. encouraging physical exercise
  5. listening to employee feedback
  6. utilizing data to create a conducive environment
  7. demonstrating clear career progression

All great tips that we certainly endorse.

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