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Work-Life Balance: Majority Work During Off Time

December 15, 2023
Well-being in the Workplace

This survey in People Management magazine makes interesting reading. Especially in a climate where there is increased pressure to return to work and to be seen working in the office.

It found that 66% of the 1,500 respondents frequently work during their time off, with a third (34%) suggesting that they do not.

The poll also revealed that those who work while on leave spend an average of two and a half hours per day on work-related matters.

48% responded to work emails or messages during their time off

32% completed administrative tasks

23% have taken their work devices on holiday

The trend is believed to be a result of blurred lines between working hours and personal time brought about by changing work habits due to the pandemic. The study also found that hybrid and remote workers are more likely to work during their time off compared to those based in offices.

What does not being able to switch off tell us about the blurred lines around work and what our organisational culture expects of us?

In 2024 maybe make a resolution to take notice of what is happening in front of you but also unseen in your teams and amongst your peers. Noticing is the first step to action to create a healthy working environment.

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